Pikku hiljaa tuntuu siltä, että kutistemuovi ja minä emme tule toimeen. Tällä kertaa kokeilut jatkuivat kerhoiltana. Valitsin läpinäkyvän kutistemuovin mutta pahaksi onneksi vasta uunissa kävi ilmi, että olin piirtänyt kuviot muovin päällä olevalle suojakalvolle.
Osasta tuotoksia tuli hauskoja huurrelasin tyyppisiä mutta yhdestä kalvo lähti irti lopullisesti ja jäljelle jäi vain kirkas tuotos irrallisella kuviolla. Tällä kertaa muovi ei käpristellyt, kuten yleensä, kts. täältä. Jonkinlaista edistystä siis.
I'm starting to believe that shrink plastic and I don't get along. This time around experimenting took place during our club meeting. I chose a transparent sheet of plastic and used my already existing motifs, thinking I could improve. It wasn't until all my work was in the oven that all of us realized that the plastic had an extra protective cover sheet which should've been removed before use. Oh dear.
Some of the end results turned out a bit like frosted glass, which looked nice but on one of them (far left) the protective cover peeled off entirely. This time, though, my work didn't shrivel up into an incomprehensible lump like usual, see the first time use of shrink plastic. Some positive progress going on.
Al final dominarás la técnica!!
These look wonderful and I am glad you are making progress as you keep trying to perfect your method. Sometimes our accidents become our greatest breakthroughs!
Pilar, gracias por tu comentario pero creo que es la técnica la que aún me domina. ;-)
Jodi, yes, it's true and this wasn't too bad but I'll keep on trying to perfect this.
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