
Halloween and All Saints' Day

Halloween has slowly made its way to our corner of the world, too, and some kids might go trick-or-treating although the origins of Halloween go back to the Celtics and have little to do with candy.

It's actually much more common for Finnish children, often dressed as witches, to go from house to house on Palm Sunday and wish everyone health and happiness. They carry willow twigs, decorated with colourful feathers or papers. If the well-wishes are accepted, the children chant a rhyme and leave the twig as a gift, while receiving sweets in return.

Five days after Halloween, it's time for the All Saints' Day here; it's a quiet and devout day when people often brings candles to the graves of their deceased family members - much the same tradition we have on Christmas.

But it's Halloween today and I'm sharing my Witch's shelf of potions with you.

Noidan hyllykkö


Jodi Hippler said...

I love the witch-y shelf, Millimari! Happy Halloween!

PILAR6373 said...


Drora's minimundo said...

Very spooky potion bottles.
Hugs, Drora