
Hotelli: Vastaanottotiski - Hotel: Reception desk

Valmistusaineet vastaanoton tiskiin

Tarvitaan pieni pahvipakkaus, balsaa, vaneria, akryylimaalia, kultapaperia ja ääriviivatarraa. Voilà! Siitä syntyy hotellin vastaanottotiski Art Deco -tyyliin.

You need a small cardboard box, balsa wood, plywood, acrylic paint, gold colored paper and peel-off sticker. Voilà! And this all is converted into an Art Deco -style reception desk.

Hotellin vastaanoton tiski

1 comment:

Drora's minimundo said...

The hotel project is getting along very nicely. I saw your previous posts and liked very much the key and mail locker, especially the use of the chain=locks as key holders, what a great idea.
Thank you for sharing the way you make the reception desk. This too, is genius.
Hugs, Drora