
The café project from a kit

Well, I opened the kit and lo' and behold, everything you need in included, even the glue & white paint, some tools, and electricals! This is probably no news to anyone else who has used kits before but this is news to me; it's the very first time I'm using a kit.

I've studied the illustrations to figure out how to put everything together. I've managed to "build" some of the furniture. the scale appears to be 1:20. I also covered the walls with some "brick" - I didn't want to paint them white as instructed or use the white brick paper included.

What I've discovered so far is that the brown, wood lookalike paper for the furniture gives a nice finish to it but it is very brittle and not very easy to glue. I already painted some of the furniture covering them with the wood lookalike paper only where they will be visible.

I decided not to add the piano to the scene. Why? Do I dislike pianos or music? No, on the contrary. I even know how to play the piano and have one at home but somehow this piano intended for this scene just does not appeal to me at all. Maybe I'll use a Lundby piano instead unless it turns out to be too big. We'll see.

Below are a couple of photos of the furniture (with a coctail stick to give an idea of the size), the walls, and some of the kit contents.



Kitin sisältö

Kitin sisältöä


PILAR6373 said...

Se ve muy bonito,me encantará verlo montado!

Jodi Hippler said...

This looks like a wonderful adventure! I like how you are already making it your own! These can be fun kits to assemble, very clever how some things are created, but patience is required for a lot of those instructions, lol! Can't wait to see it progress - Have fun!