
Reppuja ja tiskiharjoja - Backbags and scrubs

I've been on holiday, enjoying my time off work. Constructuing the Art Deco hotel, though, was giving me more of a headache rather than joy so, I decided to leave it to nurture for a while. After all, this hobby is supposed to be about fun and relaxation.

What I've done, though, is crocheted a few miniature backpacks.

Three backpacks

Plus I have a very easy upcycle tip for citrus netting. Most of the lemons sold in our shops are often wrapped in a yellow mesh bag. When you cut out the two ends of the bag, you get two mini scrubs for doing the dishes.


Even the mesh could be upcycled as a miniature hammock or... as a cleaning sponge in real life.

Oh, I've also knitted a pair of real life size wool socks for the winter.

1 comment:

Drora's minimundo said...

Pretty little back bags! Thanks for the mesh tip.
Hugs, Drora