
Tarjottimia - Trays

Helpohko tapa tehdä tarjottimia on tehdä aukko paksuhkoon pahviin ja painaa aukkoa suurempi ja ohuempi pahvinpala aukkoon. Sen voi muotoilla tarjottimeksi. Tässä muutamia lakattuja tarjottimia. Kerhoillan satoa.

A simple way to create a tray is to cut a rectangular hole in a piece of thick cardboard and insert a slightly larger piece of thinner cardboard on it and to shape it into a tray. Below are a couple of examples of lacquered trays made during club meetings.


Tarjottimet käytössä


Jodi Hippler said...

Thanks for sharing Millimari! It's a method anyone can achieve and that you can get so creative with!

Drora's minimundo said...

thank you for sharing. Is the surface decoupaged?
Hugs, Drora

Millimari said...

Thank you for your comments, Jodi and Drora! Only the blue tray on the left is decoupaged whereas the rest of them are of just plain cardboard but lacquered.