
Tikkataulu - Finnish dart board

Vanha tikkataulu

Syksyn ensimmäinen kerhokerta pidettiin netin välityksellä ja teimme tikkataulun. Omastani tuli aika inhorealistinen, sellainen tikkataulu, mikä on surutta jätetty sään armoille kesät talvet ja vielä lokitkin ovat jättäneet käyntikorttinsa taustalevyyn.

Kiinnitin tikkataulun Meribiologin mökin ulkoseinälle, minne se sopii mainiosti. Mökki on muutenkin huonossa kunnossa (tarkoituksella), joten elämää nähnyt tikkataulu ei paljon haittaa. Lisäkuvia postauksen lopussa.

The first miniature club meeting took off this week, still online, but it's lovely to have the opportunity to meet other mini enthusiasts at least over the Internet rather than not at all. And it's really amazing what you can do "together" although you're not in the same location with everyone else.

This time we made a Finnish dart board. It differs slightly from the British one. The Finnish one comes in white-green or white-black color with numbers in each color and usually with five darts. It's a popular pastime at summer houses but also a more serious sport for others with competitions.

What we did was cut thin strips of green and white paper and rolled them into a dart board. The darts were made from very thin pins, adding some red paper at the end of the "dart". Mine turned out to be a very weathered piece, like the one that has been left outdoors all through summer and winter, in rain, shine, and even snow. I can spot a few marks left by seagulls on the backboard, too. Perhaps this dart board became starkly too realistic!?! If I want to make a nicer version, I need a lot more practice. Anyway, I hung the board on the outside wall of the Marine biologist's cottage which is already quite delapidated (on purpose).

To see what a real-life sized, Finnish dart board looks like, here's one example. (Note that I'm not getting any benefit from showing the dart board in this site.)

More photos below.

Meribiologin mökkiä

Marine biologist's cottage


Alakerta edestä

1 comment:

Jodi Hippler said...

What a fun ice breaker project to get you all working "Together" again! Love the house, too! So many cute minis displayed and the décor is adorable!