
Uusia kuvia Taidegalleriasta - New photos from the Art Gallery

Art Gallery - Guest book

Sain Droralta ehdotuksen käyttää epäonnistuneen kutistemuovi-ikkunani maljakkona Taidegalleriassa vieraskirjan vieressä. Hyvä idea! Tässä se on valmiina.

It was Drora who proposed that I would use the shrink-plastic-gone-wrong-window that turned into a kind of vase or modern piece of art in my Art Gallery next to a guest book. What a great idea! I set up the table with a couple of roses in the vase and a guest book. Thank you, Drora!

Alla vielä kuva koko Galleriasta. Sinne on eksynyt uusi kävijä, nuori mies ja paljain jaloin! Miten hän on päässyt sisälle?
Below you will find a photo of the entire Art Gallery with a new visitor - a young man who is barefoot! How did he get in?

Art Gallery - New visitor


Contrastes-Rosa Mª said...

Muy buena idea la sugerencia de Drora, tu galería de arte tiene unos cuadros preciosos

Drora's minimundo said...

The side table looks perfect under the painting. About the barefoot visitor, Hippies love to visit art galleries, he can be dressed up to look like one.
Hugs, Drora