
Kokeiluja: Tuoli viinipullon metallista - Experiments: Chair from wine bottle metal wire

Annan tuoli

Tein selkänojan toisesta mettaliosasta ja päällystin istuimen palalla nahkaa. Selkänoja taipuu hiukan liian taakse. Tarvitsen lisää harjoitusta...
I used two metal pieces to make the chair and covered the seat with a small piece of leather. The back of the chair bends too much backwards. I need more practice...

Aimmin tehdyt onnistuivat paremmin mutta selkänojat onkin juotettu kolvilla.
The ones I made many years ago turned out a lot better. The backs of the chairs were soldered.


1 comment:

Drora's minimundo said...

I like the chairs in the second photo. I would, though, push out the metal seats and make install a cushion instead.
Hugs, Drora