
Kerhoilua - "Clubbing"

Kransseja narusta - String wreaths
Viimeksi kerhossa tehtiin narusta sydämen muotoisia kransseja. Omani ovat lilan värisellä ruusulla koristeltuja, kuvan alimmaisen rivin kolmas ja neljäs vasemmalta. Vaatii vielä vähän harjoittelua.

Clubbing in this context refers to attending our miniature club meeting where we made heart shaped wreaths from thin string. Mine are the third and fourth one from left on the bottom row, embellished with a lavender colored rose. I need more practice!

1 comment:

Drora's minimundo said...

The wreaths are very cute. It's lovely to meet with friends and do things together. Hope you had lots of fun.
Hugs, Drora