Koska joulusta ei ole vielä pitkää aikaa, tässä vielä kuvia osasta kalenteriswappitavaroita: tein kirjatuet, kodin puhdistustarvikkeita ja 3D-tulostetun patterin.
As Christmas was only a couple of weeks ago, here are photos of some of the calendar swap items: I made two bookends, some household cleaning products, and a 3D-printed radiator.
Tällaisia kivoja minejä sain kalenterista.
Below are some of the lovely miniatures I received in the swap.
Millimari's Miniatures
Kalenteriswapista - Calendar swap items
Uusi vuosi 2025 - New year 2025
Viime vuonna tein yhteensä viisi "pienoishuonetta": Simonin kahvila, Ikävä kämppä ja peräti kolme jouluaiheista työtä: Jouluvalmisteluja, Lyhty ja Tontun ovi kuusineen. Kerhossa keskityimme kuvaamaan miniatyyreinä eri vuodenaikoja ja niihin liittyviä juhlia tulevaan kalenteriimme, mikä valmistui juuri ennen joulua. Siitä enemmän myöhemmin
Last year I created five miniature scenes although oddly it feels as if I did not accomplish much. Below is a collage of all the five scenes: Simon's coffee, Drab flat, and three Christmas-themed scenes: Christmas preparations, A Christmas scene inside a lantern, and a centerpiece for our dinner table with a big elf's door and some miniature Christmas trees. If you look carefully, you can spot a tiny elf hidden in this scene.
In our club, we concentrated on photographing different seasons and festivals related to them, all in miniature, of course. That is probably why it feels that I have not done much in the way of miniatures. I gave a sneak peek of what we were doing in February last year, almost a year ago! And yes, we do have a nice 2025 miniature calendar but more about that later on.
Jouluvalmisteluja - Christmas preparations
Jouluisia miniatyyrejä on kerääntynyt vuosien varrella, joten viime vuonna tein uuden jouluaiheisen huoneen. Teemana on jouluvalmistelut. Lisää kuvia flickr-albumissani Jouluvalmisteluja.
Over the years, I have accumulated a whole bunch of Christmas miniatures. So, last year I built this Christmas-themed miniature. The theme is Christmas preparations. More photos in my flickr-album.
Jouluinen lyhty - Christmas scene inside a lantern
What you need is a small lantern, some cotton balls for snow, and a battery operated tea light (optional). For decorating the inside you can choose what ever you like but mine are all miniatures: a Christmas tree, a pair of skis, a sledge with gifts, and two tiny elves.
If you do not have the Christmas tree, it is easy to make from the top of a bottle brush: just cut it to the length you want and spray paint with a color of your choice - Christmas trees today come in all different colors.
The skis are a gift but fairly easy to construct e.g. from ice-cream sticks. The red sledge is actually a wooden Christmas tree decoration and the gifts were wrapped by me. I made the two tiny elves from wooden beads. The red bow is from a box of chocolates
For "frosty" look (no pun intended), I used some snow spray on the roof and all the windows except for the front one.